Granted, the nerdverse is all a'flutter over the new Star Wars trailer, but The CW put on a pretty spicy Wednesday night to go along with a decent but workmanlike episode of The Flash.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Flash is rad as balls, but it can't be all climax, and this week's episode was a good place-setter, plus a nice Arrow crossover/Justice Friends spinoff with Felicity and Ray/A.T.O.M. swinging by Central City to be helpful and whatnot. Ray and Cisco talking tech was a lot of fun, and it's telling that Felicity needs these jaunts to escape the "doom and gloom" of Team Arrow.
Nuts and bolts: It's almost refreshing to have a non-supervillain as the Baddie of the Week, and it's nice to see Emily Kinney getting work, but killer robot bees just don't move the needle as much (not without Nicolas Cage punching a woman in a bear costume, anyway). The two main things to take out of this week's episode: Kaitlyn and Cisco have been brought into the "We should have a talk about Harrison Wells" circle of trust, and Iris...sigh. Not her fault, but she's the worst. And I hate when a character (especially a non-powered female) gets stuck with the job of being The Worst. I wonder if Laurel Lance came by to hand over the crown and sceptre in some kind of ceremony. Guess it sucks to be the last one on the Secret Identity float in the Superhero parade. By the end of the season, she'll either know, or be Bumblebee and join the HIVE.
Amanda Pays sighting, as we shoehorn Tina McGee into the episode so we can get another "Harrison Wells isn't Harrison Wells" clue, and next week should be a lot of unraveling, but we probably don't get full reveal until the season finale.
Meanwhile, Arrow was badass! When last we left Star(ling) City, Oliver Queen turned himself in as the Arrow, but Roy Harper jumped in to take the bullet, much to the chagrin of Ollie (and Detective Harry Dresden). Laurel (Hi, The Worst!) gets Oliver released and they head to Verdant for a good brooding session. Suddenly, cops show up to check out the secret Arrowcave, only Ollie's fingerprints had been wiped off of everything and only Roy's remain. Oliver REALLY wants to go to jail!
Roy gets in a prison fight that gives me Arkham City flashbacks, and takes a shiv across the back. Later, he gets stabbed by a cop, and Thea gives us the weepy news that he is DEAD. And comic book dead means really de...oh, and he's okay. Pretty sneaky sis! Also, Close Personal Friend (okay, he hugged me at All-Con once) DOUG JONES is also in Star City as Deathgaze to rob banks and shoot eyebeams. We needed a lot more ATOM in our week, so Ray gets to play substitute vigilante, since Oliver has to lay low. He learns a valuable lesson about...well something, while being ocularsmacked around by Deathgaze. In the end, the feather was just a trick and he could fly the whole time, or something like that, and Ray takes another trip to Central City, but this time to deposit him in villain jail. More Cisco for all! Lot of good stuff in this episode, and we are gearing up for the finale.
Oh, and Ra's al-Ghul stabs the shit out of Thea.
And finally, Supernatural has woken up and is picking up some speed with about one month left until the summer break! Cas has his grace back, the Mark of Cain might finally be going away, Rowena finally has some purpose other than looking and sounding ADORABLE, and Metatron ate waffles!
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
I guess this is just a Flash blog for now
Not that I mind...Arrow has been solid but nothing feels like it needs to be said yet. Supernatural has been...sigh, awful since the musical episode. Crowley's mom should be an interesting foil, but she has yet to really do anything. She's Endora at best, and she needs to be the next Dick Roman and give this show something to DO. Walking Dead's finale was a great 90 minutes as long as you can just enjoy it for what it is, and not really require "things" to be happening. It exposed some flaws, but then painted over them with the really really nice paint that TWD has in its shed. At least The Wolves are going to be a tangible foe, and Alexandria is a Thing Worth Losing (you know, like the farm and the prison), so next season now has some stakes on the table.
Anyway, The Flash. Boom. The great thing about shows based on comics is that there is so much history to draw from without worrying about running out. Also, a grand tradition of recurring villains. Flash managed to put me on my ass before the first commercial, as I already thought it was a cool idea to give us the full visual of the Flash on Reverse Flash fight that Lil Barry witnessed when his mom died. But then, Reverse Flash runs away, can't run anymore, oh and it's not Harrison Wells under the mask. Whaaaaa?
We got a couple of different stories woven through this episode, and the meaty one was the Origin of Harrison Wells. After the break, we see that the guy under the mask is actually Eobard Thawne (which makes sense, because he looks a little like Eddie), and Harrison Wells is a nice guy with a wife and a plan to build STAR Labs in the future. Buuuuut, Eobard is stuck in the past with no connection to the Speed Force (finally!) and so he needs to manufacture a source for Speed Force (aka, Barry) sooner than the original timetable that events happened. He jams a Future Plot Device into Harrison and sucks his DNA out and morphs into the appearance (and knowledge?) of Harrison. So actual Harrison Wells is dead, and New Harrison Wells is Eobard Thawne (and Gideon, his helpful sidekick!). Not gonna lie, I had my hopes up that there would be a way that Actual Harrison Wells could come back and be a good guy (and Tom Cavanaugh could stay on the show forever), but it looks like Wells is gonna be Evil Wells.
Speaking of Evil Wells, Barry has flipped from Wells Defender to Wells J'Accuser, which leads to a LOT of awkward moments as Barry doesn't trust Wells, but kinda has to in order to keep being the Flash. Much like Wells would like to off Barry but can't because he needs to harvest his speed from him. And this all comes to head when Wells has to get inside Barry's head, speedster to speedster, and talk him through developing the ability to vibrate/phase/whatever through solid matter. Barry may have had some doubts, but only Reverse Flash would have that kind of knowledge, and Cavanaugh's read on that monologue was SO GOOD.
Have I gone this far into a review and not even mentioned THE GODDAMN TRICKSTER? UNF, I loved the CBS Flash series, and Mark Hamill's two appearances at The Trickster were not only highlights of the series, but also formed a lot of the Joker voice from Batman the Animated Series. There was so much to love: Them using stills from the CBS series when talking about Trickster's original crime spree, the entirety of the scene with Barry and Jesse L. Martin in the jail cell, sniffing the red licorice, the reveal of Son of Trickster, the read on "I am your father", evil monologueing at the mayor's fundraiser, everything. Bring him back Season 2, I demand it.
Now we get two weeks before the next new episode, but holy crap that "this season on The Flash" montage at the end! CW is killing it with their first foray into "superheroes", since Arrow is street level with more stunts than effects, and I am all about whatever spinoff/spinoffs they roll out with Ray Palmer and the gang. And Rory as Rip Hunter! Forget about movies, DC is building a TV empire.
Anyway, The Flash. Boom. The great thing about shows based on comics is that there is so much history to draw from without worrying about running out. Also, a grand tradition of recurring villains. Flash managed to put me on my ass before the first commercial, as I already thought it was a cool idea to give us the full visual of the Flash on Reverse Flash fight that Lil Barry witnessed when his mom died. But then, Reverse Flash runs away, can't run anymore, oh and it's not Harrison Wells under the mask. Whaaaaa?
We got a couple of different stories woven through this episode, and the meaty one was the Origin of Harrison Wells. After the break, we see that the guy under the mask is actually Eobard Thawne (which makes sense, because he looks a little like Eddie), and Harrison Wells is a nice guy with a wife and a plan to build STAR Labs in the future. Buuuuut, Eobard is stuck in the past with no connection to the Speed Force (finally!) and so he needs to manufacture a source for Speed Force (aka, Barry) sooner than the original timetable that events happened. He jams a Future Plot Device into Harrison and sucks his DNA out and morphs into the appearance (and knowledge?) of Harrison. So actual Harrison Wells is dead, and New Harrison Wells is Eobard Thawne (and Gideon, his helpful sidekick!). Not gonna lie, I had my hopes up that there would be a way that Actual Harrison Wells could come back and be a good guy (and Tom Cavanaugh could stay on the show forever), but it looks like Wells is gonna be Evil Wells.
Speaking of Evil Wells, Barry has flipped from Wells Defender to Wells J'Accuser, which leads to a LOT of awkward moments as Barry doesn't trust Wells, but kinda has to in order to keep being the Flash. Much like Wells would like to off Barry but can't because he needs to harvest his speed from him. And this all comes to head when Wells has to get inside Barry's head, speedster to speedster, and talk him through developing the ability to vibrate/phase/whatever through solid matter. Barry may have had some doubts, but only Reverse Flash would have that kind of knowledge, and Cavanaugh's read on that monologue was SO GOOD.
Have I gone this far into a review and not even mentioned THE GODDAMN TRICKSTER? UNF, I loved the CBS Flash series, and Mark Hamill's two appearances at The Trickster were not only highlights of the series, but also formed a lot of the Joker voice from Batman the Animated Series. There was so much to love: Them using stills from the CBS series when talking about Trickster's original crime spree, the entirety of the scene with Barry and Jesse L. Martin in the jail cell, sniffing the red licorice, the reveal of Son of Trickster, the read on "I am your father", evil monologueing at the mayor's fundraiser, everything. Bring him back Season 2, I demand it.
Now we get two weeks before the next new episode, but holy crap that "this season on The Flash" montage at the end! CW is killing it with their first foray into "superheroes", since Arrow is street level with more stunts than effects, and I am all about whatever spinoff/spinoffs they roll out with Ray Palmer and the gang. And Rory as Rip Hunter! Forget about movies, DC is building a TV empire.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Quick (HAHAHAHA GET IT? DO YOU? DO YOU GET IT???) Thoughts on The Flash
Last week, Cisco died after discovering Harrison Wells was
the Reverse Flash, Barry revealed his secret identify to Iris (Earning another
stamp on his “Reveal your identity to 20 people, get a free sub” card), and the
new Weather Wizard got up to Weather Wizardry and was about to destroy a good portion
of Central City (and Jesse L. Martin) with a tidal wave. And then *pop* Barry jumps the time
stream to the day before…
…and, cue this week’s episode. Everything resets, and let’s see how Barry
can screw things up in new and exciting ways.
See, as Doctor Exposition tells us, when you try to change the past,
time does its darnedest to make things go the way they were supposed to. Which could be true, or could just be Wells
planting time seeds in Barry’s mind for when he inevitably goes back to the
night of his mother’s murder. Especially
since while Flashes can go back in time, it’s yet to be seen how they can go
forward in time (since Wel…Eobard is still here…but then Barry has to get back
to the future eventually right? Except
maybe it happens during Crisis and AHHHHH TIMETRAVEL NOSEBLEED). And too many parentheticals. Ouch, I need a new paragraph.
Barry blows off Linda because he’s all “oh, I just tell Iris
my secret and she’ll fall right into my pants”, only telling Iris GOES HILARIOUSLY
BAD. And Eddie cold cocks him. Which I promise was not a pun on
purpose. Because even though Barry
decides to lock the barn door BEFORE the horse is stolen by rounding up the
Weather Wizard and sticking him in the Crime Tube, now Captain Cold (and Heat
Wave and his sister Lisa Snart) swing by to rough up some organized crime and
kidnap Cisco (and his brother) to make them replacement awesomeguns for
gun-related crime. Lisa, who in the comics
becomes Golden Glider, evil ice skating criminal, instead gets a …gold
gun? I mean, Goldface was a loser Green
Lantern villain, so ripping off his gimmick isn’t going to offend anyone, but
if you can shoot gold out of your gun, then you’ve won crime. Just shoot off a few million and buy an
island. But hey, it’s your show, CW, I’m
not going to complain. Much. Hush.
An aside about Captain Cold: I LOVE his cadence now. The way he delivers his supervillain speeches
is just great. Wentworth Miller has
bought in fully to this role, and it pays off even more at the end of the
episode. Also, they really ramp up how smart/clever
he is, with him having been able to understand (well, memorize) the inner
workings of the cold gun, spotting it when Cisco tries to sabotage the new one
he built.
So back to Barry and Cold: Snart gets Cisco to spill the
beans about Flash’s secret identity and Flash and Cold have a nice secluded
tete-a-tete in the spooky forest. Barry
won’t kill him, and even if he does, Cold has a dead-man uplink ready to broadcast
Barry’s secret to the world. Barry
negotiates him down to “Well, don’t kill anybody anymore”, which I’m hoping
leads to many many appearances by Captain Cold and the rest of the Rogues
Gallery. Okay, another side, I loved the
line reading of Barry coining “Rogues Gallery”, and Captain Cold’s on “Rogues”. Good sign for something in between the
cartoony (but still entertaining) Rogues visits of the early comics, and the
slightly harder-edged Rogues we got in the later run before Flashpoint happened
and everything went all hooby-gooby.
I’m really hoping that the current status quo stays around
(and thanks to time travel, who knows).
Barry’s identity being in the hands of Snart seems pretty dicey, but it’s
a good amount of future tension. Also,
TRICKSTER NEXT WEEK. My body is ready
for you, Mark Hamill!
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Mansplaining The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt!!!
Originally, I was going to write a big ol’ piece on The
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt a week and a half ago, after watching the middle
episode of the season (Kimmy Goes to a Party!).
It was not going to be pretty.
There…was going to be mansplaining.
It’s not that there isn’t plenty to like, even love, about this
show. But I…am a premise Nazi. If you sell me on a show about a girl who is
kidnapped in the eighth grade and spends 15 years in a bunker as part of an apocalypse
cult, I’m going to want that premise to saturate every minute of the show. Because that’s a hell of a logline, and definitely
something that both shoos you ahead of the sitcom pack, and puts a huge burden
of proof (that can’t be right, but bear with me) on the show to deliver on that
setup. If you don’t deliver, then every
show could have a premise like that.
Woody Boyd from Cheers could have been a human clone, bred by Martians
to infiltrate Boston and steal their brewing secrets. And in the first half (slightly more) of the
season, outside of the pilot, Kimmy Schmidt (or Smith) could be literally
anyone for 90% of her screen time.
Okay, taking a break here to go over the positives. Because there are many, and I don’t want
anyone thinking I don’t like this show.
Ellie Kemper is great, Carol Kane is great. Jane Krakowski…is Jane Krakowski. Solid, but I’ve seen it all on 30 Rock. Although I did read that she came in late as
Jacqueline, so I’ll give them a pass.
She handles her lines well, but it’s nothing new. Honestly…hold on, more positives first. Umm, theme song has been stuck in my head
since the first time I listened to it.
The jokes fly fast and free, and I love the absurdist touches both in
the throwaway one-liners, and in many of the actual plot/story elements. Comparing Kimmy to 30 Rock isn’t an insult by
any means. 30 Rock was a fun show and I
watched every second of it. Also, once
the series wraps up Season 1 in the last 3-4 episodes, it is a fun fun fun
ride, and more than worth getting through episodes 2-8. And hey, if your expectations are lower, then
you’ll love it start to finish. Premise
Nazi. My issue, not yours/theirs. Xanthippe is also a good idea for a
character, and she really gets shortsheeted over the course of these 13
episodes. The show is beautifully shot,
and the color palette, especially for Kimmy, really pops, even on my phone screen.
Okay, back to griping!
So much of early Kimmy seems like Tina Fey found a big folder of unused
Kenneth storylines/jokes and wrote “s” in front of all the “he”s in the
scripts. If you skipped the pilot, then
most of the jokes turn into “naïve girl from Indiana moves to New York, is
confused”. Which, they also recycle that
joke series when Kimmy’s father, sister, and fellow bunker pal come to town. And I’d already watched both seasons of “Don’t
Trust the Bitch in Apartment 23”, so I was already worn out on “Midwest bumpkin
comes to New York” jokes. WE GET
IT. New York is weird and awesome and
changes people and etc.
I haaaaaaaaate Titus.
And maybe I’m supposed to, so Mission Accomplished. Or maybe whatever the character is supposed
to accomplish is not aimed at me, and I’m okay with that. And the actor really dove headfirst into the
part, so there’s that. But,
haaaaaaaaaaate. Jacqueline just feels
like a retread, and her stories don’t jibe with what is going on (or allegedly
going on) with the main theme of the show.
There is plenty of meat on the Kimmy bone to where whole swaths of
screentime don’t need to go to Jacqueline and her story. By the finale, it starts to feel like someone
had this very thin idea for a series about Jacqueline, a Native American who
shuns her culture and goes full white, blonde, and shallow, and then no one
bought it so it was awkwardly stapled onto the Kimmy script.
Honestly, that leads me into one of the other nagging
issues; this series doesn’t feel like “one series”. It’s uneven and the story emphasis keeps
flipping around between Kimmy, Titus, and Jacqueline. Then Buckley just disappears (literally), and
then a promising subplot of Xanthippe trying to discover Kimmy’s secret just
peters out, even as Xan starts to turn from “stereotypical rich party girl” to “secretly
decent human being masquerading as a party girl”. Another good idea, and just slapped around
and then dropped like a sack of flour.
Imagining this series going on NBC and being played out a week at a
time, rather than 13 episodes dumped on Netflix at once, makes me think that
this might not have made it to the brilliantly weird endgame with Tina Fey, Jerry
Minor, and Jon Hamm showing up to salvage LITERALLY EVERYTHING.
There is plenty to love, and there are plenty of perfectly
good building blocks ready to go for Season 2.
Ellie Kemper can anchor this show for as long as she wants, it just
needs a little more focus and a lighter touch.
I like the idea of “Kimmy wants to have a normal, non-Mole Woman life”,
but other than the occasional “Oh, it’s funny because I don’t know what pop
culture or technology are” joke, which lost their specialness when Kimmy’s dad
came to town. Instead, Mole Woman status
was almost ignored until the back half of the season. Premise Nazi.
Can’t apologize. Anyway, good
show that should have been great, but I’m relieved it didn’t dip into
awful. Let’s hope for a solid Season 2,
right the ship, and give us eight more years of Kimmy.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
A Slow Read Regarding The Flash
Some brief notes, since I haven’t used this in over four
-I assume you’ve watched the episode/series/thing I’m talking
-Spoilers everywhere.
Always spoilers. I may spoil
random things just to keep you on your toes.
-This is stream of consciousness, as I’m not good enough (or
too good) to rewrite.-I meander.
The Flash is my favorite comic. It was also my first series that I
collected/read/went to Dallas Fantasy Fairs to pick up back issues of. I have one signed comic in my possession, and
it is Flash 79, and it is signed by Mark Waid, because it is an issue that
means a lot to me and is the conclusion to an amazing storyline. Also, Wally West is my homeboy. Barry Allen was the first, and saved
everything during Crisis, and is now the Flash in the current comics (I assume,
I haven’t read any of New 52 for various reasons). And Barry Allen is the Flash in the CW show
that is currently running…AWAY WITH MY HEART!!!
And this is what I’m here to talk about, The Flash (and
eventually, all of the other things I watch whenever time allows). Thank you CW, for putting together a great
superhero lineup. I was a Smallville
watcher for several years, until it just got too awful for me to take. I shunned Arrow because I’d been burned by
Smallville (and DC films, by and large), and because I had plenty of DC
animated shows to get my fix from. But
thanks to Netflix, I blew through the first two seasons of Arrow in time to
start Season 3 when it aired in the fall, and with Arrow came…The Flash.
Another aside (an aside to an aside, welcome to my writing
style), around the same time in my youth that I was getting into reading (and
to a lesser extent, collecting…in that I bagged and backed all of my stuff a
few months after I got hooked) comics, CBS also brought forth the
too-beautiful-to-live live action series of The Flash, starring John Wesley
Shipp as Barry Allen. Who plays Barry
Allen’s dad on the CW version of The Flash.
Because everything is everything.
So my love of the Flash. Great
character, great writing, especially the Waid run, and I had Barry as my TV
Flash and Wally as my comics Flash, who was living with the legacy of taking
over as the Flash after Barry died saving all of existence during the Crisis on
Infinite Earths.
So now back to this year, and this week’s episode. They took a month off for…CW reasons, I can
only assume, and came back to DROP SOME BOMBS.
Barry Allen is hit by a wave of electrified chemicals at the same time
as the particle accelerator at STAR Labs explodes, causing a dark matter wave,
and suddenly we have metahumans EVERYWHERE, and Barry has his helpful friends
Cisco (who I wanted to hate, but now love) and Kaitlyn (who you remember from
Sky High, which is a highly underrated movie with a sneakygreat cast), and Dr
Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanaugh, who you should know from Ed, which was another
too-beautiful-to-live show that needs to be on Netflix and be discovered as the
lost gem it truly is). And then
Not-Chris-Noth from Law and Order, Jesse L. Martin is in it, and terrible Iris
(okay, she’s probably a fine person/actress, but she is Kreuking all over the
place lately) and Eddie Thawne is a person (comics wiener perked up when I
heard that name, and THAT paid off last night too) and then lately we’ve had a
Linda Park (Wally’s eventual girlfriend/wife in the late run of the Flash
before Flashpoint/new 52/whatever the hell DC did to piss me off) in the
picture, which is WEIRDING ME OUT BUT WHATEVER…mostly because I want some Kid
Flash at some point and don’t mind me I’m a nerd.
Ahem, so Barry Allen is nerdy police forensics guy, and
rather than this being CSI: Central City, instead he gains super speed. And his mom was killed by a “yellow and red
blur” when he was a kid (yes, those colors are obvious to comics fans, everyone
else gets to wait until January for clues), and his dad (JOHN WESLEY
MOTHEREFFING/NOTKILLING SHIPP) is in jail for the crime. So here we are, we’ve got our weekly stories
of “oh hey, metahumans come to Central
City to wreck shit”, our overall arc of “I wonder who killed Barry’s mom?”,
and then lesser storylines of “Barry loves Iris, but she’s dating Eddie”. And then awesome Dr Wells storylines like “Oh
shit he can walk” and “Oh shit he killed that guy” and “Oh shit he has a secret
room where he has future newspapers where the front page story looks like that
part in Crisis where Barry died to save the world”, and then later season
storylines like “Oh shit, he’s Reverse Flash (please please please let him be
called Professor Zoom at some point, I don’t care how)” and “Oh shit, he killed
Barry’s mom in the past”, and this week’s “Oh shit, his name is Eobard Thawne
and he just killed Cisco!!!”. Which was
some major major shit going down, and two majors is a lot considering Barry had
to reveal his identify as the Flash to Iris, and oh yeah, also ripped a HOLE
Flashes love time travel, and I have the sneaking (okay, not
that sneaking, I watched the preview for next week’s episode after the credits)
suspicion that a lot of these revelations are going to be undone thanks to
Barry’s trip into the recent past. Which
is fine, and will be awesome. Flash has
bought a LOT of credit from me by now, so I’m just going to relax and enjoy the
ride to next week’s episode and the rest of the season. It’s pretty obvious that Barry has to go back
in time to the night his mother was killed anyway, and it also seems obvious
that he’s not going to be able to do a damn thing to stop it (although if they
want to make season 2 some kind of Flashpoint alternate universe stuff, I will
be okay with that). Best he can hope for
is to get his dad out of prison, assuming they want Shipp to be a series
regular at this point.
So, relationship stuff, eww, ick, barf, but it’s the CW and that’s
what keeps the lights on. The better
relationship stuff was the casual way the comatose police Captain’s (male) fiancé
was allowed to visit. I mean, it’s a
tiny bit shoehorned in, but I’m not going to complain about it. Tiny bit.
All for same sex marriage. But
also for smoother storytelling. Not as
bad as “Don’t text, it can wait” from the Season 1 Arrow finale. As for Iris/Linda/Eddie/Barry…meh. It is what it is. Would be much more interesting with Iris
knowing that Barry is the Flash, buuuuuut that probably gets reset like an NES
by this time next episode. Although I really
do want to see that conversation happen for real at some point.
Some brief notes, since next week’s episode pretty much
takes care of itself – no speculation needed.
Loving Wentworth Miller as Len Snart/Captain Cold. I love the Rogues, I love the classic Rogues,
I love the other Rogues, I love the terrible Rogues that other Rogues make fun
of. We’re only missing Mirror Master of
the Classic Rogues, and I really REALLY want Abra-Cadabra on this show,
probably Season 2. Also very happy about
the casting of Mark Hamill as Classic Trickster (plus whoever the new Trickster
will be). James Jesse was a fun
character in the comics run, and along with Pied Piper, it’ll be good to have
some potential villains turned allies for Team Flash (comics spoiler based
speculation, obviously). Firestorm had a
difficult birthing process, but left on a good note. With Flash and Arrow on TV, I really lament
the presence of a good Green Lantern (either a watchable movie or a TV version)
to complete the trio…plus Flash/Green Lantern is such a good duo, and robs me
of the potential Grodd/Hector Hammond crossover fun. But hey, Season 5, right? I need it all though, Speed Force, Kid Flash,
Impulse, Johnny Quick, the Kilg%re, everything.
Years to go though, and with the ratings that Arrow and Flash are
getting, I’ll hopefully get every bit of it.
Don’t be afraid to throw some script work at Mark Waid of Bill
Messner-Loebs either. This is some good
street-level superheroics going on, and I’m thrilled with how well they’ve
nailed both characters tonally at this point in the respective series.
As for next time, maybe I’ll do some quick hits on what I’m
currently watching, plus I’ve crossed a few series off my Netflix queue
(finished, not given up on), and I’m working my way through Unbreakable Kimmy
Schmidt and I have thoughts on new Community as well.
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